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From: FromTheRafters <>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: first shape discovered by a computer
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 06:42:25 -0400
Organization: Peripheral Visions
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Ross Finlayson formulated the question :
> On 08/28/2024 12:42 PM, FromTheRafters wrote:
>> Chris M. Thomasson wrote :
>>> On 8/27/2024 5:15 PM, sobriquet wrote:
>>>> Op 28/08/2024 om 02:10 schreef sobriquet:
>>>>> Op 27/08/2024 om 06:00 schreef Chris M. Thomasson:
>>>>>> On 8/23/2024 5:48 PM, sobriquet wrote:
>>>>>>> Op 23/08/2024 om 23:38 schreef Chris M. Thomasson:
>>>>>>>> On 8/21/2024 12:31 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>> A fun result from one of my experiments on this shape:
>>>>>>>> ;^D
>>>>>>> Yeah.. geometry is fun.
>>>>>>> I'm back to exploring the Farey sequence.
>>>>>> Nice. For some reason this thread made my mind think about
>>>>>> fields... Can you see/use this 360?
>>>>> Ask chatgpt how facebook works?
>>>>> Facebook is an incredibly retarded website and generally unsuitable
>>>>> for sharing content. If people are not on facebook, they can't even
>>>>> see stuff on facebook.
>>> Are you 100% sure about that? Even if the content is marked as public?
>> I have no FB account and I have seen FB content. It asks you to sign in,
>> but you can easily get around that just to view something.
> Ew, gross.
> I think by FB you mean this "FaceBook" which is
> entirely abused by all these "Ad-Mods" and
> "Facebook Pros" who entirely abuse their peers
> after writing a little note that it's for research
> or for herding students or some other stated group,
> who entirely abuse the system and its perceived
> adherence to stated claims of content protections
> and who are muchly the worst sort of users, abusers.
> That one?

Yep, that's the one! What was your first hint?