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From: Mikko <mikko.levanto@iki.fi>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: Defining a correct halt decider
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 10:39:41 +0300
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On 2024-09-03 13:17:56 +0000, olcott said:

> On 9/3/2024 3:44 AM, Mikko wrote:
>> On 2024-09-02 16:06:11 +0000, olcott said:
>>> A correct halt decider is a Turing machine T with one accept state and 
>>> one reject state such that:
>>> If T is executed with initial tape contents equal to an encoding of 
>>> Turing machine X and its initial tape contents Y, and execution of a 
>>> real machine X with initial tape contents Y eventually halts, the 
>>> execution of T eventually ends up in the accept state and then stops.
>>> If T is executed with initial tape contents equal to an encoding of 
>>> Turing machine X and its initial tape contents Y, and execution of a 
>>> real machine X with initial tape contents Y does not eventually halt, 
>>> the execution of T eventually ends up in the reject state and then 
>>> stops.
>> Your "definition" fails to specify "encoding". There is no standard
>> encoding of Turing machines and tape contents.
> That is why I made the isomorphic x86utm system.
> By failing to have such a concrete system all kinds
> of false assumptions cannot be refuted.

If it were isnomorphic the same false assumtipns would apply to both.

> The behavior of DDD emulated by HHH** <is> different
> than the behavior of the directly executed DDD**
> **according to the semantics of the x86 language

The halting problem is not about a string but about a behaviour.
Your decider is not a halt decider if it answers about another
