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From: Python <python@invalid.org>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: How many different unit fractions are lessorequal than all unit
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 11:19:10 +0200
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Le 06/09/2024 à 22:42, Crank Wolfgang Mückenheim, aka WM a écrit :
> On 06.09.2024 15:42, Python wrote:
>> Le 06/09/2024 à 14:29, Crank Wolfgang Mückenheim, aka WM a écrit :
>>> On 06.09.2024 14:26, joes wrote:
>>>> Am Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:22:00 +0200 schrieb WM:
>>>>> Example: The function f(x) = [x] increases at every x ∈ ℕ by 1.
>>>>> The function NUF(x) increases at every x = unit fraction 1/n by 1. It
>>>>> does not increase at 0 because 0 is not a unit fraction.
>>>> What exactly happens at those points?
>>> The simplest action possible in mathematics: f --> f + 1
>> What you wrote above is a function associating a function to a function.
> No it is a value changing to this value + 1.

So it is another value. A value does not change.

Meanwhile you are still unable to provide a sound algebraic definition
of "increasing at a point" for a function.