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Path: ...!!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Gary McGath <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: AKICIF: The Shape of Asterix
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 17:15:03 -0400
Organization: Mad Scientists' Union
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On 9/14/24 7:04 AM, Paul Dormer wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Joy Beeson) wrote:
>> So my question is:  What size and shape are European comic books?
> Good question.  I thought I had some Asterix books but cant find them.  I
> did find some Tintin books and they are 22 by 29.7cm.  A4 paper size is
> 210 by 297mm so about the same, allowing for the binding on the left.

Usenet seems to have eaten my earlier reply; at least I haven't seen it. 
Let me try again.

I have "Asterix in Italien," a German hardcover. The covers are 29 x
22 cm. The inside pages are slightly smaller, with a height of about 
28.3 cm. It's hard to get the exact width of bound pages.

Gary McGath