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From: mm0fmf <none@invalid.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Getting along without a keyboard
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:38:05 +0100
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On 17/09/2024 00:58, bp@www.zefox.net wrote:
> mm0fmf <none@invalid.com> wrote:
>> Check if your wireless settings for the router have something called "AP
>> Isolation" or very similar and if it is enabled. If it is enabled,
>> devices connected by WiFi will not be able to access each other. Turn it
>> off in this case.
> Hmm, nothing related that I have seen. The term "access point" doesn't
> appear in the manual or setup menus, nor "isolation" or anything close
> to it.
> It isn't clear that I've completely searched the Web interface setup
> options, however. And a few topics I don't recognize. One is "Virtual
> Server", described as:
> Virtual Server is used to allow Internet users access to LAN services
> At face value, that seems not to apply.
> Another is "Special Application", described as:
> Special Application is used to run applications that require multiple
> connections.
> But, the "special applications" list refers to games.
> The firewall rules dangled an option to allow LAN-to-LAN traffic,
> but when I tried to set a rule using the DHCP addresses a dialog
> box saying:
> Allow/Deny traffic from WAN to WAN or LAN to LAN does not support! (sic)
> There's no distinction between WiFi and wired LAN that I can find.
> Thanks for writing!
> bob prohaska

It's possible it is always enabled. The router has been obsolete for 14 
years, maybe time for a new one?