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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Getting along without a keyboard
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 10:47:03 +0100
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 16/09/2024 19:39, bp@www.zefox.net wrote:
> Chris Green <cl@isbd.net> wrote:
>> bp@www.zefox.net wrote:
>>> Chris Green <cl@isbd.net> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Router software does sometimes have bugs.  I have a TP-link router
>> that has a symptom a bit like yours, I can't remember the exact
>> details (it's relegated to being an access point now) but I do
>> remember that it was something about the firewall treating WiFi
>> connections differently from wired ones.
> That's much like what I'm seeing.
>> Can you temporarily connect the Pi2 using a wired connection and see
>> if it then works as expected?
> The Pi2 has been used on wired ethernet, but under
> FreeBSD rather than RasPiOS. The "no route to host" message rather
> suggests the issue resides somewhere in the network.
No route to host is probably 'I did an ARP request, and nobody answered'

> The original trigger for this investigation was wanting to use ssh
> to avoid need for a keyboard on the Pi2. With your help I found an
> accessibility aid called "onboard", using a temporary keyboard.
> For immediate purposes, the problem is solved.
Mmm. It would irk me not to have ssh though. Everything here is sshe'd 
together. Or NFS. Or webbed!

> Thanks very much for all your help!
> bob prohaska

"First, find out who are the people you can not criticise. They are your 
      - George Orwell