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From: Anton Shepelev <ant@tilde.culb>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi,alt.os.linux.debian
Subject: Re: Execution of setupcon at boot
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 23:47:00 -0000 (UTC)
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In alt.os.linux.debian Chris Green <cl@isbd.net> wrote:
> Anton Shepelev <ant@tilde.culb> wrote:
>> On RPi OS Bookworm, console and keyboard initialisation via
>> `setupcon' seem doubly duplicated (sic), and I am x-posting this to
>> .debian because it may not be speific to Pi OS:
>> 1. in that systemd services and init.d scripts do the same thing:
>>      /etc/init.d:
>>         console-setup.sh       -> /lib/console-setup/console-setup.sh
>>         keyboard-setup.sh      -> /lib/console-setup/keyboard-setup.sh
>>      /usr/lib/systemd/system:
>>         console-setup.service  -> /lib/console-setup/console-setup.sh
>>         keyboard-setup.service -> /lib/console-setup/keyboard-setup.sh
>> 2. in that /lib/console-setup/console-setup.sh includes both console
>>    and keyboard setup, making keyboard-setup.sh redundant.
> Isn't the init.d startup actually emulated by systemd when a system
> uses systemd?  The files still exist but the implementation is systemd.

Yes, but why the duplication? The emulation of init.d is there for
functonality that has not yet been migrated to systemd services, whereas
the console and keyboard setup are /already/ present and propser systemd
services, and therefore no longer needed in init.d .