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Path: ...!news.mixmin.net!weretis.net!feeder8.news.weretis.net!newsfeed.bofh.team!paganini.bofh.team!not-for-mail
From: Anton Shepelev <anton.txt@gmail.moc>
Newsgroups: news.software.readers
Subject: Re: tin: article stubs one line short
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 18:23:18 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: To protect and to server
Sender: 9dIQLXBM7WM9KzA+yjdR4A
Message-ID: <vckeim$1ktmh$1@paganini.bofh.team>
References: <vchp81$1bo2h$1@paganini.bofh.team> <vckcng$16r21$1@dont-email.me>
Injection-Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 18:23:18 -0000 (UTC)
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Lines: 37

John McCue <jmccue@fuzzball.jmcunx.com> wrote:
>Anton Shepelev <anton.txt@gmail.moc> wrote:
>> When I post a new message in Tin 2.6.3, after I enter the subject
>> and press Enter, Tin generates the "stub" of a new article and opens
>> it in my editor (nvi) with `+7', which complains:
>>    -c option, 1: illegal address: only 6 lines in the file
>> And indeed, there are only six lines in the generated file:
>Very odd.  What is VISUAL set to ?

vi, invoking nvi on this system.  I have tried vim as well,
but the pre-generated stub article was not affected.

>Do you have an empty ~/.signature File ?  Maybe that is why.
>Try creating a ~/.signature with 1 'real' line and see what
>happens.  Or maybe delete file ~/.signature

The error is observed with either:

  a. sigfile=
  b. sigfile=--none (tin's convention for no sig)

in my tinrc. With a path to an non-empty text file,
the behavior is correct. With an empty signature file,
there is no error, but the article stub ends with a
signature delimiter -- Tin is obeying its rc file to
the letter.

The problem is in whatever component is responsible for
generating the stub artile, for it /fails/ to end it with
two empty lines with `sigfile=--none' .

>Also check ~/.tin/tinrc and see if there is simething odd in
