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From: Bertel Lund Hansen <rundtosset@lundhansen.dk>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english
Subject: Re: OT: Converting miles/km
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 21:44:31 +0200
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Sam Plusnet wrote:

>> I'm not sure how common this is, but the speedometer in my car has 
>> scales for both mph and km/h, so in principle I don't need to convert. 
>> In practice, though, I have the above table in my head, from the old 
>> days. It's easily remembered because the right-hand column corresponds 
>> to the usual preferred values for UK speed limits.
> Also, most modern cars can be persuaded to display speed (digitally) in 
> either mph or kph to suit your current needs.

Now that you mention it. I had completely forgotten, but I can change
the setup of mine to show miles. I dare not activate it, though. With my
failing memory I would get speeding tickets.

Kolt, Denmark