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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Spontaneous locale change on Bookworm
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 19:31:53 +0100
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 21/09/2024 18:04, bp@www.zefox.net wrote:
> bp@www.zefox.net wrote:
>> This morning, after a few minutes' use of my Pi5 running Bookworm,
>> the WiFi connection abruptly dropped. Couldn't bring it back up,
>> so I rebooted the access point. No luck. Then I rebooted the Pi5
>> and noticed something about rfkill stopping wifi in the boot messages.
>> At this point the last reboot was several days past, wifi hadn't been
>> touched or given any trouble.
> The disconnect repeated after about an hour. No further references
> to rfkill, but the boot messages grumble about NetworkManager....
> bob@raspberrypi:~$ systemctl status NetworkManager-wait-online.service
> × NetworkManager-wait-online.service - Network Manager Wait Online
>       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service; en>
>       Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2024-09-21 09:52:43 PDT; 7min>
>         Docs: man:nm-online(1)
>      Process: 866 ExecStart=/usr/bin/nm-online -s -q (code=exited, status=1/FAIL>
>     Main PID: 866 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
>          CPU: 33ms
> It unclear to me if this is even relevant to the disconnect event, since
> at the moment wifi is connected and working.
> Anybody got a suggestion? apt update reports all up to date....
> Thanks for reading
> bob prohaska

Well it may be completely irrelevant Bob, but my Pi Zero 2 W issues seem 
to have been solved by use of a bigger power supply.
It may be that the wifi chip is the most sensitive to inadequate voltages.

Those who want slavery should have the grace to name it by its proper 
name. They must face the full meaning of that which they are advocating 
or condoning; the full, exact, specific meaning of collectivism, of its 
logical implications, of the principles upon which it is based, and of 
the ultimate consequences to which these principles will lead. They must 
face it, then decide whether this is what they want or not.

Ayn Rand.