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From: Bertel Lund Hansen <rundtosset@lundhansen.dk>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english
Subject: Re: OT: Converting miles/km
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 11:33:02 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Peter Moylan wrote:

> My car, which is 14 years old, doesn't have such a feature. Despite that
> my GPS navigator manages to display the speed limit, except in places
> where reception from satellites is blocked. I assume that the limits are
> contained in map data. Why then would the car need to read roadside signs?

> OK, I'll concede that there are sometimes temporary limits in place
> because of roadworks and so on, but that's the exceptional case.

It's not exceptional in Denmark. P.t. there are major repairs and
expansions on the motorways in Jutland. The won't be finished till 2026.

Okay, that's not everyday life, But I regularly see temporary speed
around road work.

Google Maps, which I use, is updated by user input and statistics, so it
takes some time until it gets it right.

Aside: GM has impressed me a couple of times. It gave me a route which
led to a road closed by road workers. A naive navigation would have
insisted on the same route, but when I turned the car around, GM gave me
another route that was open.

Kolt, Denmark