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From: JAB <noway@nochance.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Steam Backs Down From Forced Arbitration
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 08:28:11 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 30/09/2024 03:34, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
> On 9/29/2024 1:47 AM, JAB wrote:
>> On 28/09/2024 17:59, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
>>>> Elon Musk also tried to use forced arbitration on his (former) Twitter
>>>> employees after they sued him for not giving them their severance
>>>> payments in a timely manner. But, like Steam, he had to back down when
>>>> the sheer number of arbitration claims made the costs skyrocket so it
>>>> would have cost more than actually just paying the severance. (Musk is
>>>> not the brightest of bulbs).
>>> I don't think Musk is stupid, he just has a colossal ego and is 
>>> something of a bully.
>> I don't think he's stupid as such but instead his over inflated ego 
>> and position of power makes he say and do stupid things bordering on 
>> the unhinged. Something I read about off the record comments from 
>> senior people at Space X is their job is as much to do with building 
>> spacecraft as it is to steering Musk away from making any real decisions.
>> Then there is the recent temper tantrum he's thrown as he wasn't 
>> invited to a tech. summit by the UK government due to comments he made 
>> during our riots and subsequently. Think of it as , well I didn't want 
>> to go to your party anyway so I'm glad you didn't invite me.
>> https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/sep/26/elon-musk-uk- 
>> government-invite-tech-summit
> Ya, and his deliberate picking a fight with Brazil.  He really thinks he 
> is untouchable and can do whatever he wants regardless of the laws 
> anywhere.  Free Speech Absolutist, as long as he can control who gets to 
> use the medium used for Free Speech.

It's pretty common amongst those who claim to support freedom of 
expression, what they mean is I can say what I like without consequences 
but you can only say things I agree with.

We have a so called news channel called GB News (also know as Gammon 
Brexit News) which is basically a mouth piece to push very right wing 
politics and also flirts with the far right. They were complaining that 
their freedom of expression was being suppressed as companies were 
pulling their advertising as they didn't want to be associated with a 
organisation that dog whistles about 'British values' for we don't like 
non-white people being in the country. The thought that companies were 
choosing to use their own freedom of expression seemed to be beyond them.