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Path: ...!!!!not-for-mail
From: Frank Slootweg <>
Subject: Re: How can I NOT display my neighbors WiFi network
Date: 30 Sep 2024 10:39:02 GMT
Organization: NOYB
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <>
References: <vdcqrp$iu7$> <vkupskxu3p.ln2@Telcontar.valinor> <vddu5m$26j8q$>
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Ed Cryer <> wrote:
> Carlos E.R. wrote:
> > On 2024-09-30 02:20, Gelato wrote:
> >> How can I NOT display my neighbors WiFi network?
> >>
> >> I want a way not to display all those nearby networks that I would never
> >> connect to because they're all my nearby apartment neighbor's networks.
> > 
> > Not possible.
> > 
> If the OP has previously connected to one of them, then that will be in 
> his list of choices. In that case he can tell his phone to ignore it.

  Can you say *how* this can be set?

  I don't see any such functionality on my phone (Samsung Galaxy A51
Android 13).

  I can only 'Forget' networks which I connected to at some time, but
that only means I lose the credentials (password, etc.), not that
they're not visible anymore.

  So at the moment, I see my neighbours' networks and the only thing I
can do is (try to) connect to them, not make them invisible.