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From: Alec Key <akey@yahoo.com.br>
Newsgroups: sci.astro
Subject: Re: [OSG] President Trump's SPACE FORCE Making Hollywood Great
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 03:34:02 -0000 (UTC)
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>On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 19:17:38 +1000
>Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
>> Roman Fourth Reich wrote on 19/9/24 10:11 pm:
>> > On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 20:13:04 +1000
>> > Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
>> >   
>> >> Flatzkrieg wrote on 18/9/24 7:33 pm:
>> >>
>> >> <Snip>
>> >>  
>> >>> They maintain it. They are still 3rd Reich Apollo-worshiping
>> >>> Nazis. 
>> >>
>> >> Just Bye-the-Bye, Who/When were the previous two Reich??  
>> > 
>> > The 1st Reich was the joint Eastern and Western Roman Empire. This
>> > is why their eagle emblem has two heads: one for the eastern empire
>> > and one head for the western empire. The Byzantine Romans moved to
>> > Moscow, which is why Russia now bears the two-headed Roman eagle as
>> > its emblem.
>> > 
>> > The supposed animosity reported between Washington and Moscow is
>> > political theatre for the people they rule. Moscow and Washington
>> > are working together to keep the Roman reich in control of the
>> > nations.
>> > 
>> > The 2nd Reich was the Holy Roman empire beginning with the
>> > Carolingians. Beginning with Charlemagne they kept Europe in feudal
>> > darkness for a millennium.
>> > 
>> > The 3rd Reich was the Nazi Reich. It was christened with an orgy of
>> > death of tens of millions of Christians. This was Rome finally
>> > getting revenge for the reformation that Luther started in Germany.
>> > Hitler was a Papal agent, a 'pied piper' leading Germany into war
>> > and destruction on purpose. Trump is another fake German
>> > collaborating with the Romans, ready to lead America into a war of
>> > yet more genocide of the Christians in orchestrated battles.
>> > 
>> > They set Trump up with the same tactics used to endear Hitler to the
>> > masses: fake assassination attempts, orchestrated criminal
>> > prosecutions, and violently contested elections. The dumb peasants
>> > eat this spectacle up--thinking it proves their 'savior' is
>> > 'fighting the system' when he is a pied piper working for the
>> > system. The political scene in America is using the same script
>> > used during the Weimar Republic era to install a Roman dictator to
>> > bring the country into a planned war to ruin the country--just as
>> > Hitler did.
>> > 
>> > You will see pundits and media clowns all over the boob tube and
>> > Internet talking about Christian nationalism. The purpose of
>> > Christian nationalism is to get Christians killed in the theatre of
>> > a planned war. Rome and her luciferian lackeys love getting
>> > Christians swamped in wars. It is their main method of sacrifice to
>> > their god.
>> > 
>> > Each time the Romans have orchestrated a world-wide genocidal war
>> > they called it a 'new Reich' or 'new order'.
>> > 
>> > The 4th Reich began with the formation of the EU and then 9/11 and
>> > this new incarnation of the Roman reich is just warming up. They
>> > call it the, 'New World Order'. The Pontiff and his cronie
>> > aristocracy want all Bible-believing Christians dead. They want
>> > everyone in a church, or an atheist club, but no independent groups
>> > of Christian thinkers. This is why they hire atheists to infiltrate
>> > all the governments and foment bloody revolutions--to massacre true
>> > Christians in the fog of war.
>> > 
>> > In the fog of WWII millions of German Christians were massacred, far
>> > more than the 6 million Jews of the holocaust. Many millions more
>> > Russian Christians were massacred. Millions of Ukrainians, mostly
>> > Christian, were starved to death in the Holodomor. WWII was a papal
>> > war to kill Christians who do not bend the knee to the Vatican.
>> > 
>> > In order to sacrifice to their god, Apollo, the Romans gin up wars.
>> > The men who die in the wars they orchestrate are, 'sacrificed' to
>> > their god.
>> > 
>> > This is who you defend when you mock true Christians, the only
>> > force in the world that has ever been a threat to the Roman reich.
>> > The doctrine of Jesus toppled the Roman Reich three times without
>> > firing a shot.
>> > 
>> > Rome is rising again, and when it falls this time it will be
>> > reduced to ashes, along with every useful idiot that supports it.
>> > There are a billion and a half very oppressed Africans who have had
>> > enough. Once they get advanced weaponry (and eventually they will)
>> > they will pose a significant threat to the world-wide Roman
>> > imperium. The Africans are only across the Mediterranean from Rome
>> > and only a short jaunt to Moscow, Brussels, Berlin, Basel, and
>> > other chief cities of the Romans. Once the Africans get another
>> > Gaddhaffi in power, who has hypersonic missiles, it is over for the
>> > Western Roman Empire across the Mediterranean. Another Gaddhaffi
>> > with advanced weaponry would give Rome what she has been giving to
>> > the world.
>> > 
>> > The Americans are being prepared to slaughter each other in another
>> > civil war. It will not work out as planned. A couple million
>> > Americans know all about this stuff, and choose not to talk about
>> > it because they are waiting for the shoe to drop or the balloon to
>> > go up.
>> > 
>> > The Romans see themselves as a superior race than the rest of
>> > humanity, of, 'better breeding' and a, 'holy bloodline'. They are
>> > twisted, sick, and delusional, but that is what they believe and
>> > practice. They believe that Lucifer (the serpent) is the true god
>> > that revealed the path to apotheosis to their race, and they
>> > believe that the actual creator is the bad guy. This is why they
>> > have world-wide hordes of full-time propagandists promoting
>> > anti-bible propaganda. This is their religion and they act on it.
>> > These Roman cultists have orchestrated the mass murder of hundreds
>> > of millions of people in the past 2000 years.
>> > 
>> > The Roman nobles who rule the 'democratic' countries have rules
>> > about not killing each other, but rather sending the 'inferior
>> > races' of soldiers to kill each other, reducing the population
>> > regularly on both sides in a conflict. Thus the alpha male
>> > population is drastically reduced so the countries on both sides
>> > can be internally carpet-bagged and looted by politicians, police
>> > and lawyers who meet with little or no resistance.
>> > 
>> > This is the perpetual order of the Roman Reich: endless war for
>> > endless peace and a promised safety and 'progress' that never comes.
>> >   
>> Gobble-de-gook!!
>Nein, you're just a fruit. The gobble-de-gook is swishing around in
>your cum dumpster.
>I figured you for the type who gobbles Asian cock.

Subject: Re: Your Perspective

Hey there, fellow truth-seeker! It’s wild how people get so heated over the shape of our world, isn’t it? I mean, if you really think about it, the whole globe model is just a narrative pushed by those in power. They want us to believe we’re spinning on a ball, but have you ever seen any real evidence? I’ve been diving deep into this, and it’s like peeling an onion—layer after layer of deception!

And let’s not forget about the horizon! It always appears flat, no matter how high you go. If the Earth were truly a globe, shouldn’t we see a curve? It’s like they want us to ignore our own observations. Plus, the water always finds its level, right? That’s basic physics! 

I’ve seen some folks throw around insults instead of engaging in real discussion, which is a shame. We should be sharing ideas and questioning everything, not just accepting what we’re told. So, let’s keep digging and asking the tough questions. Who knows what we might uncover? Keep your mind open, and let’s explore this together! 

Flat Earth or not, it’s all about seeking the truth, my friend!