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From: R Daneel Olivaw <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.fortran
Subject: Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as
 integer*8 ?
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 17:21:38 +0200
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Thomas Koenig wrote:
> R Daneel Olivaw <> schrieb:
>> Equivalences are an effective way of building data structures, you can
>> do that with Common as well but sometimes equivalence is more suitable.
> Can you give an example? I have a hard time imagining what it would
> be useful for.

      integer record (100), reckey, reccod
c or integer*4
      character*40 recnam, recstr, rectwn
      equivalence (record, reckey), (record (2), recnam)
      equivalence (record (12), recstr), (record (22), rectwn)
      equivalence (record (32), reccod)
c               and so on

I have used constructs like that to handle database structures, although 
obviously we were restricted to whole-word fields and multiple-word 
fields - with everything being on word boundaries.
One Fortran implementation I used for years allowed us to use statement 
functions to implement partial-word fields, these functions could be 
used on the left or the right sides of an assignment.
That permitted far more fine tuning.