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From: "Jim Wilkins" <muratlanne@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking
Subject: Re: Jib Crane - Dumb Ideas - Other Stuff
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:01:06 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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"Bob La Londe"  wrote in message news:vf6764$hh4d$1@dont-email.me...

I admit I waste some of my free time perusing social media.  An MSC ad
appeared in one of my feeds showing a jib crane set in what looked like
a big block of concrete.  Not bolted to the floor or with a giant
concrete foundations.  A block of concrete setting on a floor.

It was quite expensive and only had a lifting capacity of half a ton.  I
thought that's really stupid.  I have a cherry picker that's much more
mobile, weighs less, and is rated for 3/4 ton at full extension.  Then I
realized.  I can't use my cherry picker.  Its had an outboard motor
hanging from it for two years, I haven't gotten around to making a stand
to put it on, and its not going back on the boat it came off of.  Now
that's stupid.  LOL.

Someone might not know that empty barrels work as outboard stands that let 
you run them.

I had a problem stacking heavy oak beams under a temporary roof overhang 
only a little higher than my head until I had the AHA! moment to guy shear 
legs to a tree. A 1000 Lb lever chain hoist raises the load, a second 500 Lb 
one (HF) in the guy line swings it on or off the stack. The guy line is a 
low stretch tow strap.