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From: "Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: High purity 1kHz oscillator
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 12:53:06 -0400
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (https://usenet.blueworldhosting.com)
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"Edward Rawde" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message news:vf7c4h$1m5m$1@nnrp.usenet.blueworldhosting.com...
> But I suspect that component tolerances and mismatched FETs will ruin it.

Can anyone tell me what causes the following feature of the circuit below?
This circuit is not exactly the same as the previous one but all versions seem to have this behaviour.

Run a simulation and view the output.

You can see that there's distortion until about 1.8 seconds when it disappears.
View J1 or J2 gate voltage.
You can see that the crud suddenly reduces at 1.8 seconds.
What's causing that and is there a way to make the circuit always run in reduced crud mode?

I'll be back in about a week to thank whoever can explain this.

Version 4
SHEET 1 2196 916
WIRE 48 -576 16 -576
WIRE 544 -576 112 -576
WIRE 736 -512 688 -512
WIRE 864 -512 816 -512
WIRE -160 -496 -256 -496
WIRE -16 -496 -160 -496
WIRE 16 -496 16 -576
WIRE 16 -496 -16 -496
WIRE 48 -496 16 -496
WIRE 512 -496 112 -496
WIRE -160 -480 -160 -496
WIRE -256 -464 -256 -496
WIRE -16 -416 -16 -496
WIRE 800 -400 800 -416
WIRE 864 -384 864 -512
WIRE 864 -384 832 -384
WIRE 896 -384 864 -384
WIRE 1008 -384 976 -384
WIRE -256 -368 -256 -400
WIRE -160 -368 -160 -400
WIRE -160 -368 -256 -368
WIRE -48 -368 -160 -368
WIRE 144 -368 48 -368
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WIRE 560 -368 544 -368
WIRE 688 -368 688 -512
WIRE 688 -368 640 -368
WIRE 768 -368 688 -368
WIRE 864 -352 832 -352
WIRE 48 -336 16 -336
WIRE 544 -336 544 -368
WIRE 544 -336 112 -336
WIRE -256 -320 -256 -368
WIRE -256 -320 -304 -320
WIRE 800 -320 800 -336
WIRE -160 -256 -256 -256
WIRE -16 -256 -160 -256
WIRE 16 -256 16 -336
WIRE 16 -256 -16 -256
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WIRE -256 -128 -304 -128
WIRE -160 -128 -160 -160
WIRE -160 -128 -256 -128
WIRE -80 -128 -160 -128
WIRE -48 -128 -80 -128
WIRE 80 -128 48 -128
WIRE 144 -128 144 -368
WIRE 144 -128 80 -128
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WIRE 320 -128 272 -128
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WIRE 1008 -96 512 -96
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WIRE -32 -64 -80 -64
WIRE 80 -64 80 -128
WIRE 80 -64 48 -64
WIRE 832 -64 720 -64
WIRE 1056 -64 832 -64
WIRE 272 -16 272 -128
WIRE 320 -16 272 -16
WIRE 448 -16 448 -128
WIRE 448 -16 400 -16
WIRE 832 -16 832 -64
WIRE 272 16 272 -16
WIRE 272 16 48 16
WIRE 720 16 720 -64
WIRE -304 32 -304 0
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WIRE -272 112 -352 112
WIRE -208 112 -272 112
WIRE 48 112 48 16
WIRE 96 112 48 112
WIRE 912 112 912 96
WIRE 432 128 160 128
WIRE 448 128 448 -16
WIRE 448 128 432 128
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WIRE -208 352 -352 352
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WIRE -208 608 -208 512
WIRE -208 608 -272 608
FLAG -432 352 0
FLAG 1168 144 output
FLAG -304 32 0
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FLAG 704 352 0
FLAG 912 96 V+
FLAG 912 192 V-
FLAG 128 80 V+
FLAG 128 176 V-
FLAG -272 112 V+
FLAG -272 608 V-
FLAG -32 368 0
FLAG 800 -416 V+
FLAG 800 -320 V-
FLAG 864 -256 0
SYMBOL voltage -352 144 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 10 135 Left 2
WINDOW 0 12 7 Left 2
WINDOW 3 15 104 Left 2
SYMATTR SpiceLine Rser=0.1
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL res 400 208 R90
WINDOW 0 -7 54 VBottom 2