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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Thomas Koenig <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.fortran
Subject: Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as
 integer*8 ?
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 06:28:34 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 23
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Lynn McGuire <> schrieb:

> I am going to change all the F77 code to C++ some day.  I already have a 
> heavily modified version of F2C that I have rewritten extensively and 
> already moved several hundred subroutines from F77 to C++.

Modern Fortran might be the easier way, because a change can be done
incrementally, and this...

> The biggest 
> problem is the F77 write statements.

.... would not be an issue.  What features is modern Fortran missing that
you need C++ for?

> F2C fixes the other big problem 
> automatically, the change of initial array index from one to zero.

If I remember correctly, it does so by issueing invalid C (or
C++), by using negative offsets from pointers.  Might work now,
might not work tomorrow.

But note the IIRC above.