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Path: ...!!!!!not-for-mail
From: (The Doctor)
Subject: Re: No, Spamhaus does not slam Gmail and other e-mailing lists services for  spamming
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 02:08:14 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: NetKnow News
Message-ID: <vfk7ae$2auf$>
References: <vfhk2a$km$> <vfjqpb$as3$> <vfk31c$n8j$> <vfk6du$1lph$>
Injection-Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 02:08:14 -0000 (UTC)
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In article <vfk6du$1lph$>, John Levine  <> wrote:
>It appears that Grant Taylor  <> said:
>>That being said, one page I'm looking at says that "Gmail has over 1.8 
>>million users worldwide as of 2024."
>That's off by three orders of magnitude.  It's more like 1.8 billion
>which means a million spammers would be under 0.l%.
>I am no happier than anyone else at the constant stream of spam I
>get from throwaway Gmail accounts pitching sleazy SEO or virtual
>assistants or whatever, but I also realize they have vast numbers
>of real users.
>But since Spamhaus has not in fact listed Gmail, why are we having
>this conversation?  The guy who posted the first message has, uh,
>a well known active imagination.

>John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
>Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

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