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From: Andrews <>
Subject: Re: Was Google Location Accuracy (now is How to Spoof Wi-Fi Location)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 13:16:12 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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References: <vfhvpo$18uv$> <1gynl5ogj1mk6.dlg@v.nguard.lh> <vfjmu0$2kk1$> <upbfoijutktx.dlg@v.nguard.lh> <>
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Andy Burns wrote on Sun, 27 Oct 2024 09:25:45 +0000 :

>> Unless Google is changing the high accuracy setting to enabled
> That is indeed what google did on 16/10/2024 (the day Android 15 was 
> released on Pixels).
> They enabled it, and left a notification on-screen that they had done 
> so, this wasn't only on my Pixel8a phone which got the upgrade, but also 
> my Huawei tablet (which hasn't been upgraded in years, thanks to the US 
> trade blacklist).

Hi Andy,

I need to ask you point blank questions, mainly to understand the Android
15 issue better & then to come up with a usable spoofing solution for all.

1. I get it that Android 15 automagically toggles to on the switch at
   "Settings > Locations > Location services > Google Location Accuracy
    > Improve Location Accuracy = On"; but does Android 15 also toggle
    the concomitant "Wi-Fi scanning = On"? 

    Once either or both of those are turned on in Android 15, can you 
    turn them off and will they STAY OFF after you turn them off if you
    do nothing else but reboot the phone a few times (i.e., I know
    apps compiled with GSF can turn those buttons back on in pernicious
    ways - which is the issue I was trying to explain to VanguardLH).

2. Do you have any idea how to spoof the Wi-Fi location data?

Note: I have no idea "what" these spoofing apps do to Wi-Fi location data.

PS: I wish the famous Jeff Lieberman (of a.i.w fame) knew about 
    Android what he knows about routers and access points! :)