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From: Lynn McGuire <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.fortran
Subject: Re: Is there a way in Fortran to designate an integer value as
 integer*8 ?
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 17:56:46 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/26/2024 4:30 PM, Thomas Koenig wrote:
> Lynn McGuire <> schrieb:
>> First, I include all of my 300+ common blocks as 200 files.  I converted
>> those separately and cleaned them up so that the static variables and
>> defines are easy to peruse and understand.  I delete all of the local
>> common block conversions by f2c in the subroutines and change them back
>> to include files.  An easy cleanup that I have to do 5,000 times (4,000
>> to go now plus the 100+ subroutines that we have modified for customers
>> since I started the conversion project two years ago).
> Sounds like a lot of work...
>> I also removed the parameter adjustments from my copy of f2c.  It is a
>> little tricky but as you say, they are not legal code in C++.
> Very good, I think you're set then.

It is an incredible amount of work.  That and the conversion of the rest 
of the programs and DLLs for our app will probably be my last major 
project in my career.  But once done, it will allow our app to move 
forward into the 64 bit world in a somewhat organized manner.  I 
actually have users running out of memory as a Win32 program now.

I was totally impressed by the work and scope of F2C.  It is my 
understanding that it is the front end for the old F77 compiler.  Making 
my changes to generate better code for the conversion of our F77 code to 
C++ code was not hard, just tedious to figure out the multiple passes 
and interpass data storage.
