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From: Andrews <andrews@spam.net>
Newsgroups: comp.mobile.android,alt.internet.wireless
Subject: Re: Was Google Location Accuracy (now is How to Spoof Wi-Fi Location)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 02:39:21 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (https://usenet.blueworldhosting.com)
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Andrews wrote on Sat, 26 Oct 2024 05:47:36 -0000 (UTC) :

> How do you spoof Wi-Fi location on Android?

I realized while answering Andy's questions that what is needed is not to
"spoof" any particular Wi-Fi access point location, but to zero it out.

That is, any app that requires Wi-Fi access point information would get
nothing so the app would have to fall back on GPS information instead.

Which can easily be spoofed.

Note: You don't use this stuff when you're routing; you use it for apps
like a weather app that don't really need your exact location but they
require it for the app to work (because they're mining your data).

So the question morphs to:
 How to we make sure ZERO Wi-Fi access point data is utilized 
 when precise location is turned on with Google Location Accuracy?