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From: Bob La Londe <none@none.com99>
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking
Subject: Re: The 1 Inch Belt Grinder Solution
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 14:06:11 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/31/2024 12:25 PM, Jim Wilkins wrote:
> "Bob La Londe"  wrote in message news:vg0fgh$2pe7j$
> On 10/31/2024 3:40 AM, Jim Wilkins wrote:
>> My second-hand Delta 1x30 has been trouble free.
> Delta Rockwell might have been good once up a time,
> but I'd buy a higher end cheap import before I'd buy another Delta power
> tool.  When I've talked about this on other groups the consensus seems
> to be, with the exception of a few "well mine doesn't do that" fan
> boys," Delta is no longer a premium brand.  Some take the extra effort
> to say, "and that's being polite."...
> Bob La Londe
> ------------------
> My stuff is mostly quite old so perhaps that is the case. I don't need 
> it to make a living as you do and can afford to wait for bargains. When 
> I was working I spent a lot of company money on high quality equipment 
> I'd never have bought new for myself.

I try to get the best bang for my buck for the most part.  That doesn't 
mean the cheapest solution, but it rarely means the state of the art 
latest and greatest either.

Most of the time getting the tool I can afford and getting the job done 
works out better than not getting the tool at all, because then I can do 
the job and get paid.  Often that cheaper tool pays for a better tool. 
The old "buy once cry once" mantra is often a barrier to entry.  I've 
got a lot of very decent quality tools, but they were almost always paid 
for with a cheaper tool.  I get the idea of that, but its not a truism.

Bob La Londe
CNC Molds N Stuff

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