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From: Mild Shock <janburse@fastmail.fm>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
Subject: ANN: Dogelog Player 1.2.4 (Non-Backtracking Hashtable)
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 18:50:23 +0100
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Dear All,

We are happy to announce a new edition of
the Dogelog player:

- New library(misc/dict):
   We have moved some predicates from the library(misc/json)
into our own library(misc/dict).  We made sure that the
data structure of the Prolog dicts now follows the
input order semantics.

- New library(util/hash):
   To enable the implementation of hash tables, Novacore
now has a term_hash/2 predicate.  The implementation
differs from the Prolog dict in that change_arg/3 is
used for destructive updates.  We have also dispensed
with the input order.

- Improved library(sequence):
   Hash tables can easily be used to model sets of keys,
for example by using the value "true" as an indicator.
This allowed us to re-implement the distinct/1 predicate.
The use of numbervars/3 ensures that key variants
are identified.

Have Fun!

Jan Burse, http://www.xlog.ch/ , 02.11.2024