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From: Bob La Londe <none@none.com99>
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking
Subject: Re: Yet Another New Machine
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 14:01:34 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 11/4/2024 7:13 PM, Jim Wilkins wrote:
> "Bob La Londe"  wrote in message news:vgbl3p$15ami$1@dont-email.me...
>> First off I have "built up" a couple CNC control systems.  Designed 
>> might be a strong word, but assembled from assorted "black boxes" 
>> would not. The thing is the Masso G3 control does "almost" everything 
>> in one finished unit for not much more than I could buy the parts, and 
>> it appears to be code compatible with what I am already using so the 
>> post processor would need little or no modification.  Yes I have 
>> modified the post processors for all of my different machines.  Most 
>> are just minor tweaks.  Actually I rewrote the macros more than 
>> modified the post on the Mach controlled machines, so except for 
>> physical capability the code is cross compatible on all of those.
>> Well if I was cheap I could build a controller a lot cheaper, but I'm 
>> tired of tweaking machines for weeks to get them to run right.
> I was warned to expect 3-4 weeks to ship as they build machines to
> order.  I got notice this morning my machine is shipping today.  I guess
> I'll be desperately be trying to build a base and table for it in the
> next couple days before it arrives.

Okay... maybe not

UPS doesn’t have possession of the package yet. Estimated delivery date 
will be available as soon as we get the package.

Sigh!  One of those.  Create a label and provide tracking to delay 
claims if there is an issue or the customer gets tired of waiting.  I 
hate that.  I was all excited on Monday.  Oh, well.

Bob La Londe
CNC Molds N Stuff

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