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From: Andrews <>
Subject: Re: Thumbnails, and what creates them.
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 17:35:13 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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Java Jive wrote on Thu, 7 Nov 2024 17:02:06 +0000 :

>> I assume you tried copying it already when I gave the commands necessary.
> 16:44:31 D:\Temp>C:\Programs\Samsung\platform-tools\adb.exe root

Thanks for running the suggested test!

I'm surprised that command didn't give an error as mine did on my unrooted
Android 13 Galaxy - but I do not know what "adb root" even does.

Running a search for what does adb root do this comes up

 *Understanding adb shell su and adb root Commands*
 "the command adb root restarts the adb daemon with root permissions,
  allowing you to execute ADB commands as root without entering the shell."

Since your "adb root" works, my suggestion is that you may be able to...
1. adb pull the WifiConfigStore.xml file from Android to Windows
2. Edit it on Windows any way you like
3. adb push that now-edited WifiConfigStore.xml back to Android

> 16:45:56 D:\Temp>C:\Programs\Samsung\platform-tools\adb.exe pull 
> /data/misc/apexdata/
> adb: error: remote object 
> '/data/misc/apexdata/' does not exist
> 16:46:09 D:\Temp>
> There is a data directory visible in explorer under ...
>    /Internal storage/Android
> ... but adding that to the beginning of the path makes no odds, and in 
> fact trying to pull a file that I know exists, because I can see it in 
> Explorer, also fails:
> 16:54:31 D:\Temp>C:\Programs\Samsung\platform-tools\adb.exe pull 
> "/Internal 
> storage/Android/data/"
> adb: error: remote object '/Internal 
> storage/Android/data/' 
> does not exist
> Make of that what you will, remembering that I don't believe this device 
> is rooted, although the adb root command seemed to work.

Since the word "apex" is in my original command, I suspect the location for
the Wi-Fi configuration XML file may have changed between the releases.

It may be that XML is located in different places per device or version.
 *Dissecting the Android WiFiConfigStore.xml for forensic analysis*

 *How to reload WifiConfigStore.xml?*
  "adb push /data/misc/wifi/WifiConfigStore.xml"

Notice, as often occurs with Android, the WifiConfigStore.xml configuration
file can be in *different* locations depending on "something" we don't

My advice is that since you can use the "adb root" command, that you can
almost certainly "adb pull" and "adb push" the WifiConfigStore.xml file.

You just have to find it first. :)