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From: Andrews <andrews@spam.net>
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone,comp.mobile.ipad,comp.sys.mac.system
Subject: Re: did this group die?
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 05:13:46 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (https://usenet.blueworldhosting.com)
Message-ID: <vgmr28$2q3p$1@nnrp.usenet.blueworldhosting.com>
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*Hemidactylus* wrote on Sat, 09 Nov 2024 02:03:08 +0000 :

>>> I doubt he ever had a BMW. Seems more the vintage AMC Pacer type.
>> Meh.... ...anybody can buy an old BMW.
>> ;-)
> AMC Pacer with moon caps. Suits him to a T.

Given all you Apple trolls are worthless pieces of shit who have never in
your entire lives done anything worthwhile for other fellow human beings
it's not surprising that you don't understand even what a CCV is.

Alan Baker, who claims to own bimmers, doesn't know what a CCV is.
He has no idea what a DISA valve is either.
He knows nothing of INPA nor EDIABAS. He can't even spell them.

And yet, you claim out of your sheer ignorance, that nobody could know this
stuff simply because none of you Apple trolls can know anything at all.

It's who you are. Worthless pieces of human excrement. Every one of you.
The minute you Apple trolls leave this group, it will return to normal.

Thank God those worthless nospam & Lewis & JF Mezei Apple trolls are gone.
Let's hope you're next.