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Path: ...!!xmission!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Andrews <>
Subject: Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 14:50:03 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID: <vgnsqq$25bn$>
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There's a prescient observation for Apple trolls of...
 Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?
 A: ?

Least of all about Apple products.

For example, Alan Baker claims to know about BMWs and yet, he clearly
doesn't know the first thing about them - down to not even knowing what the
the parts are on the engine that make bimmers work the way they do.

All Alan Baker knows is the bullshit that BMW marketing fed him.

Chris claims to know about immunology and yet, he doesn't know the first
thing about immunology - such as the relative size of a SARS-COV-2 RNA
genome or extremely basic terms such as the use of "vehicle" in science.

All Chris knows is the bullshit that is fed to him by the media.

Alan Browne claims that the resale value of the iPhone is higher than
Android when he doesn't even add into the fact that he ignored all the
costs of ownership such as AppleCare+ and the proprietary cabling & the
need to purchase components due to the lack of basic hardware (such as
standard ports and slots which are missing on all current iPhones and the
need to constantly replace batteries due to the substandard capacity).

All Alan Browne knows is the bullshit fed to him in Apple white papers.

Jolly Roger claims Apple fully supports old releases. He doesn't know that
Apple has *never* fully supported more than one release in all its history.

All Jolly Roger knows is the (brilliant) marketing fed to him by Apple.

The question is valid since *everyone* but Apple trolls knows this stuff.  
 Q: Why do these Apple trolls know nothing about anything?
 A: ?

Why do Apple trolls (Lewis, Jolly Roger, Alan Baker, Alan Browne, Chris,
Haemactylus, Joerg Lorenz, JF Mezei et. al) merely parrot Apple marketing?