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From: Ed P <esp@snet.n>
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
Subject: No X-Large eggs?
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 23:19:28 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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I've always bought X-large eggs.  Last week, Publix did not have any. 
Did not think much of it, stiff happens.

Saturday, I was talking with a friends in Massachusetts. She mentioned 
that for a couple of weeks, should could not find x-large eggs.

This morning, I want to BJs.  They have  a few varieties and packages. 
You can get Cage Free, Captured and tortured, organic, and more.

But no X-large.  I know millions of chickens were killed from bird flu, 
maybe the replacements have not grown enough to produce the larger eggs?