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From: "Jim Wilkins" <>
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking
Subject: Re: 1991 ranger brake problem
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 08:26:03 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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"Clare Snyder"  wrote in message

I used to run an ex-military Dodge PowerWagon (1946?) as a tow truck.
About 48MPH wide open downhill with a tailwind - slightly faster if
you dropped it over a cliff

One of the fastest WW2 military vehicles was a tank, the M18 Hellcat tank 
destroyer with light thin armor. A nearby museum owns one that they have 
taken out in MA traffic where it's one of the few vehicles that gets 
complete respect.
"The Hellcat was the most effective U.S. tank destroyer of World War II. It 
had a higher kill-to-loss ratio than any other tank or tank destroyer 
fielded by U.S. forces in World War II."

In Germany I occasionally encountered tanks on the roads. Once I veered into 
the woods to avoid a British convoy. I've helped push an antique cannon down 
a winding back road. The expression on drivers who suddenly found themselves 
staring into its muzzle was priceless.