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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Coogan's Bluff <ft.tryon@park.invalid>
Subject: Re: It's Early, But Will You Have for Dinner Tonight, Thursday,
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2024 08:43:09 -0700
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D wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2024, Coogan's Bluff wrote:
>>> Today I heard a story about a businessman in lithuania who told the new
>>> government "f*ck you, I'm leaving" because apparently he had been trying
>>> to build a factory that would bring 6000 jobs, and the government, both
>>> the previous and the new, have been fighting him on every single level,
>>> since he is not a party member. So when the new government only spoke
>>> about increasing taxes, he said, "I'm done".
>>> I think if more business men would be equally principled, taxes would
>>> come down rather quickly. As it is, they remain sycophants in the hope
>>> of receiving benefits from the party in power.
>> Really good trickle-not analysis there.
>> Here's a timely piece by a disgraced NYT columinist pondering why 
>> "they" lost the people this election:
> Wow, good stuff! Talk about awakening!

Yeah, glad you appreciated that insightful mea culpa.

> Some high lights:
> "are primarily motivated by identity group solidarity. This model assumes
> that the struggle against oppressive systems and groups is the central
> subject of politics. This model has no room for what just happened."
> Woke:ism perhaps is starting to implode! =) I have predicted this,
> because it will always end up in the groups waring against each other.

Has to given its artificial origins.

People can only be force-herded for so long, which is rather too long in 
my opinion...

> "Even the most solid identity group categories are fluid. As a recent Pew
> Research Center study found, among people who married in 2022, 32
> percent of Asian Americans married outside their ethnic group, as did 30
> percent of Hispanics, 23 percent of Black people and 15 percent of white
> people."
> Only 15 percent of white people married outside their ethnic group? I
> had no idea!

The TeeVee of course gulls into their artificial couplings as if they 
were a norm.


> "As I try to update my own models, a few stray thoughts enter my mind.
> First, you don’t reduce racial, ethnic and gender bigotry by raising the
> salience of these categories and by exaggerating the differences between
> groups."
> That's why wokism eventually will collapse. It ends up as a war of all
> against all.

The demons who have done this must pay!

> "Fifth, seeing groups in all their complexity requires seeing
> individuals in all their complexity."
> Welcome to reality Mr. Journalist! =D

If I see you only for your nationality how might I ever hope to explain 
your conservatism?


>>> Amen! We must pray and pray hard, that sweden will some tiem get its own
>>> Trump! Only a man with Trumps powers and characteristics will ever be
>>> able to uproot the ingrained socialism from swedish society!
>> Do you think that will be harder or easier for Sweden?
> Much harder! Imagine a country caught in a woke mind prison for 100
> years. Sweden is very collectivist, so it will take a strong shock to
> the system to break the psychosis.

The 100 year servitude of collectivism is potent, indeed.

> But sweden is also a very good follower. So if big parts of the world
> lead the way, sweden is sure to follow. Small countries are always
> anxious to be seen as good, so if the global trend changes, and strong
> countries lead, eventually sweden will follow.

That's not a bad thing, as long as one recognizes and honors the process 
and tendency.

> A third factor is the internet and global american culture. If Trump can
> engineer a culture change in the US, it will eventually spread to young
> swedes. In fact, I think you can already see some of that happening
> among the young. The sweden democrats became the biggest party in high
> school elections. So in 20 years maybe there will be some Trumpian
> shifts in sweden. We must pray hard for this!

In Christ's eternal name!

>> I ask that in the consideration that you've a royal family that now 
>> seem mere figureheads at best.
> Oh yes... they are legally prohibited from expressing a political
> opinion. Sadly the crown princess is woke on steroids, so she will
> completely destroy the trust in the monrachy over time, unless she
> changes.
> The current king on the other hand, he's a good guy! He enjoys life,
> drives around in his ferraris, has an affair or two, and just "crushes
> it" as the young kids say! ;)

That's very non-damaging of him, which is a thing to be recognized.

>> Eriksgata was the name of the traditional journey of newly elected 
>> medieval Swedish kings through important provinces to have their 
>> election confirmed by local Things. The actual election took place at 
>> the Stone of Mora in Uppland and participation was originally 
>> restricted to the people of that area; hence, the need of having the 
>> election confirmed by the other parts of the realm. The Eriksgata 
>> gradually lost its importance when, as of the 14th century, 
>> representatives of other parts of Sweden began to participate in the 
>> election. After 1544, when hereditary monarchy was instituted, that 
>> meant that the Eriksgata had little practical importance. The last 
>> king to travel the Eriksgata according to the old tradition was 
>> Charles IX, whose reign began in 1604. Later, kings, up until present 
>> times, have made visits to all the Swedish provinces and called them 
>> an Eriksgata, while those visits bear little resemblance to the 
>> medieval tradition.
> This is the truth!

Your nation's history is quite fascinating, even the wiki version.