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Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: Frank Slootweg <>
Subject: Re: Location History is moving to on-phone timeline
Date: 20 Nov 2024 12:28:23 GMT
Organization: NOYB
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <>
References: <> <> <> <> <>
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Anssi Saari <> wrote:
> Frank Slootweg <> writes:
> >   And I still don't see an explanation *why* they are doing/changing
> > this. Only that each of your devices will keep its own Timeline, but I
> > think that's more a disadvantage than a feature.
> Maybe there's no or too little market for the location data? It's the
> only reason I can think of, considering it's Google. So maybe there're
> now so many apps snarfing up location data, Google can't find buyers? At
> least at the prices they want? Or everyone who wants that data already
> built it into their app so no market?

  As Andy has found out. The size of the data is rather small (his is
2MB for some 13 years), so even if Google doesn't want (to use) it, why
not just store it in your account or Google Drive on their servers, like
they do with many other data? 2MB versus a (default) 15GB Google Drive?