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From: Don Y <blockedofcourse@foo.invalid>
Subject: Re: OT: Repeatably lobbing "projectiles"
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 19:55:17 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 11/21/2024 5:52 PM, wrote:
> Don Y <blockedofcourse@foo.invalid> wrote:
>> Ideally, I would like the mass to STOP at the destination (not bounce
>> or roll away) but that's a secondary goal.
> Apologies if I missed it, but what are the masses and accelerations in play?

The masses are negotiable.  As is the acceleration (as long as you
can overcome gravity).

The goal is to PLACE a "thing" (projectile) at a specific location
relative to the launcher.  And, to have it reach that location
with minimal interaction with anything located between the launcher
and destination.

E.g., If something was located immediately adjacent to the
launcher, the projectile's path should go OVER the obstacle
and not expect to be able to pass THROUGH it.

Imagine using a nerf gun to lob those little sponge balls
up, over obstacles -- but, being able to precisely control
the range so they land where planned (no farther nor shorter)

But, to do so completely under automation, without any human