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From: "Carol" <cshenk@virginia-beach.com>
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
Subject: Re: It's Early, But Will You Have for Dinner Tonight, Thursday, 11/14/2024?
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D wrote:

(On Solar)

> This is the truth! And you'd support american industry as well
> instead of chinese solar manufacturers.

You might want to look into it,  USA/Canada makes our own solar panels
that rate longer, with higher hail and wind protection than that weak
Chinese stuff.  They also pull more power per panel.

That's what we got here.Just got one of my rare bills, 31$ for last
month.  I went solar just before I retired in 2022.  I also got 39$ in
SRECs back so I'm ahead.  I end up paying for 2% of my electricity over
a year when SRECs are deducted. (I produce at 92.5% averaged since
install in 2022.  I have some spots sloped for it or I'd be producing

I don't know really what SRECs are but it's some sort credit and areas
vary on how much they are going for.  As far as I know, I'm the only
RFC regular with solar.