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Subject: Re: PING! Michael
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jmcquown wrote:

> OB Food: Spaghetti sauce made with browned ground Italian sausage is
> simmering on the stove.  I'll be making garlic bread to go with it.
> Jill

I adore that dish!  I make them into meatballs vs loose ground.

It points up an oddity of my market.  I'll get 1 can sauce (28oz) and 2
cans (15oz) diced.  So about even.  It's price where the sauce is
cheaper per oz in big can but the diced is cheaper per oz for the
smaller ones.  It's not much difference but it's nice because I often
need just one of the smaller cans of diced but almost always want the
larger sauce can 8-)

Got any oddities like that at Publix?
