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From: Your Name <>
Subject: Re: Only Apple requires a "valid" address just to download software off the App Store
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 18:20:50 +1300
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-11-25 13:58:00 +0000, Tom Elam said:

> On 11/24/2024 6:51 PM, Andrew wrote:
>> In keeping with the proof that of all common consumer operating systems,
>> only Apple murders privacy, today I tried to add an "App Store" account to
>> the iPad I had set up recently to have an Apple ID (which killed privacy).
>> *Piece of shit iOS has absolutely zero privacy for God's sake*
>> <> 
>> Now... Apple murders privacy again by requiring 2FA to prove I'm me.
>> So I give away my identity (again!) to Apple with a phone number that is
>> very personal and very validly only mine - and that satisfies Apple's
>> hunger to know everything there is to know about you that it can get.
>> Sigh... but it gets worse...
>> When I try to log into the App Store, I'm *required* to give Apple an
>> address which I did NOT have to give Apple to create the Apple ID.
>> Huh?
>> Why can't stupid Apple keep their own identifications in the same place?
>> But wait... there's more.
>> Now for this *second* ID on the iPad, I have to give Apple *more* private
>> information. It's not enough that they already know who I am.
>> Now they want to know *where I live*.
>> WTF.
>> Bastards.
>> But wait... you'd think the address can be completely bogus, right?
>> Nope...
>> It has to be a "valid" address.
>> Just to create an account on Apple's mainframe servers to get apps.
>> How do I know that?
>> Because I type a bogus address (made up so I can't remember it now), and it
>> fails, but it doesn't tell you why other than it must be a "valid" address.
>> WTF?
>> Why is it that only Apple murders privacy just so you can get apps for iOS?
>> Anyway, I come up with the idea of picking an address off the Internet
>> using the "Random Address in California Generator" which gives me a "valid"
>> address so Apple's mainframe servers are happy with the App Store account.
>> <>
>> And then... only then... after handing Apple my identity ...
>> That works. I get the app.
>> But why did I have to do those machinations?
>> Why does only Apple murder privacy?
>> No other common OS system vendor requires you to give up your privacy
>> just to get apps off the app store so that the device can do stuff.
>> Just Apple.
>> That's a fact.
> So why do you even have an iPad? There are Android tablets.

Can people please stop replying that idiotic name-changing troll.  :-\