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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Klaus Vestergaard Kragelund <>
Subject: Re: electrical deaths
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 23:54:07 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 27-11-2024 16:11, Ralph Mowery wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> The US (0.63 PPM) is probably low partly because we have mostly 120
>> volt gadgets. I usually wire boxes hot, and get tickled now and then,
>> no big deal.
>> Some countries are astounding.
> It is probably all the safety standards in this country.
> When I first started in a plant about 40 years ago there was very little
> safety precautions.  In the last 20 or so years they got very strict
> following new govenment regulations.
> The electrical code for homes has gotten onthe safety bandwagon.  All
> the GFCI and arc flash circuits probably help.

On the other hand, you have USB chargers and other power supplies from 
China with poor to some having little barrier insulation. That being 
said, I have never hear about a fatality from that risk pool.

Actually, the regulations for building electronic devices are quite 
strict. At the same time, we have cars passing each other with a 
differential speed of 200km/h within a couple of feet. Kills a lot of 
people, but the regulations are never changed (hard to modify existing 