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From: Don Y <blockedofcourse@foo.invalid>
Subject: Re: Datasheet-flation?
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 20:42:59 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 11/28/2024 6:49 AM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
>> Do *you* "write for yourself" or "write for others"?
>> I.e., do you write assuming YOU are the Reader?  Or, that
>> OTHERS will be the Reader?
>> [There seems to be a split on how developers write; I think
>> this would affect their choice of (spoken) languages as well.]
> Ah. If I write a script I tend to mix English and Spanish. I tend to use 
> English thinking of sharing the script or asking questions about it. The places 
> where I do that are English speaking mostly.

I always write for others -- as, if I have to revisit the code
a year or five hence, *I* will effectively BE one of those

This is yet another hidden advantage that benefits english language
speakers in the market.  I can't imagine what it would be like if I
had to think (or "post process") to a "second language"!