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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: badgolferman <>
Subject: Re: Christmas stocking stuffers 10th generation iPad 2022
 model 10.9inches is on sale for $250
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 12:20:02 -0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <vicbhi$61bb$>
References: <vi2svd$v02$>
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Andrew <> wrote:
> They think these facts will go away if they call people an "it".
> Who is that stupid?

When I was growing up, those who were not clearly a “he” or “she” were
often referred to as an “it”. With the prevalence of transsexuals and
wokism today, not to mention DEI initiatives in the federal and corporate
worlds, people have been indoctrinated into the idea that there are more
physical genders than just male and female. Yet when you go to the doctor’s
office and fill out forms, they always want to know what your real sex is
and not what you want to be “identified” as.

In any case, since this is Usenet and it’s hard to actually see people, he
may be using gender ambiguous terms such as “it” to describe people he
doesn’t really know. Maybe he’s trying to be respectful in the same manner
as when someone addresses a lady as Ms. rather than Miss or Mrs. when not
knowing their marital status. 

Or maybe you’re actually right about him and I’m wrong to give him the
benefit of the doubt.