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From: -hh <>
Subject: Re: Joel won't, so I will (was Re: Bungling Apple Lost the Plot on
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 12:50:38 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 11/28/24 10:08 PM, Alan wrote:
> On 2024-11-28 16:52, Joel wrote:
>> Alan <> wrote:
>>>>>> I still have an old 1 TB external hard drive, I use for my backups.
>>>>>> It's remarkably simple, just use a file browser to copy files, and 
>>>>>> use its extra space for temporary storage when doing a clean OS 
>>>>>> reinstall.
>>>>>> Boom.
>>>>> So you have no actual backup solution at all beyond, "I'll copy the
>>>>> files over manually"?
>>>> Is there supposed to be a more straightforward way?
>>> Yes. Use proper backup software that keeps track of everything that
>>> needs to be backed up, and does so on an automated schedule.
>>> Kind of like Time Machine does on a Mac.
>>> I meant, EXACTLY like Time Machine does on a Mac.
>>> :-)
>> I would wager I could install something equivalent under Linux, but
>> it's not a vital need.
> It IS a vital need to anyone who is serious about his or her data.

What it really comes down to is that a PC is a productivity device which 
operates through task automation.  From this perspective, why *wouldn't* 
one want to automate the task of data protection & integrity?

>>>>>> I'm not using any SATA device, not even a DVD drive.
>>>>> Because it's against your religion, or... ...what?
>>>> Well, optical drives are basically unneeded, and SATA storage drives
>>>> are outdated.  The NVMe is the only internal media, I install Win/Lin
>>>> from USB media, and my external hard drive is for backups.
>>> That doesn't make SATA devices worse.
>> NVMe is state-of-the-art.
> Still not an answer.

He's also wrong, for NVMe's are "State of the SHELF", as they're a 
decade old, which is why their retail prices have dropped:  my first 
NVMe based SSD back in 2012 cost me around $600 for 256GB.

>> Using SATA when NVMe is an option isn't elite enough, right.
> It's seems you're looking for "bragging rights", not utility.

Indeed: Joel is 'faster = better' until it comes to even faster systems 
than what he owns ... at which point he flips his story to "overpriced".
