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From: John R Walliker <jrwalliker@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: electrical deaths
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2024 19:45:11 +0000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 01/12/2024 17:59, Joe Gwinn wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2024 14:24:11 -0800, Joerg <news@analogconsultants.com>
> wrote:
>> On 11/26/24 6:53 PM, john larkin wrote:
>>> https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Age-adjusted-mortality-rates-from-electrical-injuries-per-1-million-population-European_fig1_221916189
>>> The US (0.63 PPM) is probably low partly because we have mostly 120
>>> volt gadgets. I usually wire boxes hot, and get tickled now and then,
>>> no big deal.
>>> Some countries are astounding.
>> Twice the line voltage makes a difference. Also, some countries such as
>> Germany have non-polarized wall outlets which was a clear mistake on the
>> part of the standards guys. Think toasters and forks.
> We have polarized line plugs in the US, but the wiring old and new
> isn't consistent, or becomes so over time.  And so people often
> intentionally defeat the polarization.
> Part of the problem is that for many small appliances, the plug was
> bigger than the appliance.  Probably more expensive too.
> Anyway, my instinct is that not polarizing plugs and sockets is more
> realistic, as it forces manufacturers to pass safety regardless of hoe
> things are plugged in.
> Joe Gwinn

In some countries the two contacts are between phases on a three-phase
supply, so there is no neutral at the socket.
