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From: -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com>
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone,comp.mobile.android,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Joel won't, so I will (was Re: Bungling Apple Lost the Plot on
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 20:57:15 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12/3/24 5:07 PM, Joel wrote:
> -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
>>> I wouldn't have anticipated using 4K when I got the main parts.
>> Especially when one is harping about 'future proofing', why wouldn't one
>> be so unprepared in 2021 for supporting 4K monitors?
>> Because 4K wasn't a new standard: it first came out 2001, and was in the
>> consumer market by 2013.  So by 2021, 4K displays were pretty
>> commonplace (even Apple had had them in iMacs for 7 years) and 'gamer'
>> ones had already dropped to just $500 ('regular' ones were even less):
> I paid $200 for mine.  It's two years old.  It was an impulse buy when
> my old monitor was dying.

The cheaper it was, the less justification there was to have not 
anticipated and planned for it to be a candidate replacement within the 
expected lifespan of the PC.

For example, that "overpriced" 2022 Studio that you've enjoyed 
complaining about can run up to four 6K's out of the box.
