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From: solar penguin <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ping Your Name
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2024 08:16:45 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 52
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References: <vik6kk$3a5bg$>
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The idiot insisted:

> In article <vivret$2jg06$>,
> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>> The idiot insisted:
>>> In article <viuo6v$2ak3d$>,
>>> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>>>> The idiot inquired:
>>>>> In article <vispfp$1on8s$>,
>>>>> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>>>>>> The idiot insisted:
>>>>>>> You ASSUME myths! Then you deny archeology ?
>>>>>> Are you saying the Babylonian ‘Enuma Elish’ isn’t a myth?
>>>>>> When did you convert to paganism?
>>>>> I never did.  Recall the Mother son worship?
>>>> No. I don’t recall it at all. Do you mean a mother worshipping
>>>> her son? Or a son worshipping his mother?
>>>> Either way, what does this have to do with whether or not
>>>> common sense says the Ennuma Elish is a myth?
>>> Never heard of Isis - Horus worship in Egypt?
>> OK. Let’s start there. Does common sense say the ancient
>> Egyptian religion is true? Or a myth?
> A satanic imposter.

Thanks. You actually answered a question.

OK, now _why_ do you think common sense would say that? Is
it really common sense to assume the Egyptians were too stupid
and unimaginative to make up their own myths?

solar penguin