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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: solar penguin <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ping Your Name
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 13:47:37 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 45
Message-ID: <vj481p$3qt49$>
References: <vik6kk$3a5bg$>
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The idiot insisted:

> In article <vj109c$2va67$>,
> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>> The idiot insisted:
>>> In article <vivret$2jg06$>,
>>> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>>>> The idiot insisted:
>>>>> In article <viuo6v$2ak3d$>,
>>>>> solar penguin  <> wrote:
>>>>>> Either way, what does this have to do with whether or not
>>>>>> common sense says the Ennuma Elish is a myth?
>>>>> Never heard of Isis - Horus worship in Egypt?
>>>> OK. Let’s start there. Does common sense say the ancient
>>>> Egyptian religion is true? Or a myth?
>>> A satanic imposter.
>> Thanks. You actually answered a question.
>> OK, now _why_ do you think common sense would say that? Is
>> it really common sense to assume the Egyptians were too stupid
>> and unimaginative to make up their own myths?
> Legends more than myths.

Legends, myths, fables, fairytales. Call them whatever you
want, just as long as you answer the question!

solar penguin