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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Remember "Bit-Slice" Chips ?
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 16:27:56 +0000
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 09/12/2024 21:40, D wrote:
> We currently do not have the technology, so it would be refreshing if 
> the EU socialist nobility could stop pissing away our money. But that's 
> not likely to happen any time soon. I am happy that the UK left, and I 
> do hope that after Starmer has failed, that the UK can work to become 
> the financial power house of the world again.

I read that Spain decided not to subsidise its windfarms as directed by 
the EU, as it was cheaper to pay the fine the EU imposed. Except they 
haven't paid that, either.
I think some other country did the same.

Germany has revoked Shengen.  Not the EU. Finland and Sweden joined 
NATO.  Not the EU.

People  are finding the EU is simply not as appropriate as individual 
nations behaving as if they were sovereign are letting the EU go fuck 

Euratom is the agency in charge of preventing new nuclear plants being 

Labour - a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich 
people by telling poor people that "other" rich people are the reason 
they are poor.

Peter Thompson