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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Remember "Bit-Slice" Chips ?
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 16:56:13 +0000
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 10/12/2024 06:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
> On 12/9/24 11:46 PM, Rich wrote:
>> 186282@ud0s4.net <186283@ud0s4.net> wrote:
>>> On 12/8/24 7:17 PM, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
>>>> On 2024-12-08, Rich <rich@example.invalid> wrote:
>>>>> And consider the explosive force stored in a 350-700 bar (your AI's
>>>>> number) pressure vessel that becomes brittle enough to go "bang".
>>>>> That's one hell of a bang, even without the hydrogen itself
>>>>> explosively combusting as part of the pressure release.
>>>> I've seen the results of a 200-bar scuba tank letting go.  And
>>>> that's just a little 80-cubic foot tank filled with air.
>>>    I've seen that too - close up.  Blew out a reinforced CBC wall
>>>    ......  sheer dumb luck nobody was in the filling room at the time
>>>    or they'd have been Spam.
>>>>> Plus, the walls of the pressure vessel quite effectively become a
>>>>> 'fragmentation grenade' in the process of going bang.
>>>> <shudder>
>>>    High-pressure containers - esp ones that have to 'cycle' often -
>>>    are a bomb waiting to go off.  Fatigue/corrosion take their awful
>>>    toll - then BOOM !
>>>    If the boom is a flammable gas ... far worse.
>>>    Hydrogen CAN have its uses - but at "industrial" sites, not out in
>>>    public.  You can feed it into expensive fuel cells, you can mix
>>>    x-percent with natural gas.
>>>    But as a general-purpose 'motor fuel' ...  NO !  Besides, no proper
>>>    infrastructure for it.
>> For a 'motor fuel' it is difficult to replace the benefits of liquids
>> that do not need pressure vessels (beyond their own evaporation
>> pressure, which is usually quite mild).  We have an entire setup in
>> place for transporting, storing, and dispensing liquids (gas/diesel
>> pumps).
>> But, to avoid more 'carbon' in the air, the liquids have to be
>> synthesized somehow from carbon already in the air.  And that we don't
>> have on a scale large enough to be a source to replace our current
>> liquid fuels.
>    The catalyst people ARE getting better with grabbing
>    CO2 and turning it into various 'fuel' hydrocarbons
>    again. If there's hope for "CO2 Capture" it's with
>    these scientists.
>    They don't even HAVE to "break even" - just kinda
>    sorta CLOSE. That'd be significant - "good enough"
>    Again, as for 'motor fuel', I suggest isopropanol,
>    and it has a decent 'octane rating' - around 112.

I'd prefer a clean diesel..better fuel efficiency

Karl Marx said religion is the opium of the people.
But Marxism is the crack cocaine.