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Look up another Usenet article

Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Your Name <>
Subject: Re: Complete OT: Social-networks newsgroup. (Say named maybe?)
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 11:07:51 +1300
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-12-10 20:21:31 +0000, Yevgeniy S and Linux said:

> Hello!
> My request has nothing to do with Apple and iPhones, but I put it here 
> as it is still important newsgroup place devoted to IT things (well it 
> is popular).
> I have an idea of creating newsgroup devoted to social networks such as 
> Facebook, Instagram, (these are illegal in Russia but used anyway in 
> Russia as well) X, Bluesky and anything alike that.
> Please reply to this message in newsgroup if 
> you would like to read such social-networks newsgroup or post new 
> messages into new newsgroup.
> Also please suggest name which you see suitable for this new newsgroup.
> Thanks

A.  What a pointless waste of time. If you want to use ridiculous
    "social media", then use it (at your own risk).

B.  What's to discuss?? All "social media"  sites are a complete
    waste of webserver space, data traffic, and are utterly
    pointless wastes of time.

C. Two newsgroups already exist for ridiculous "social media":
      - alt.idiots
      - alt.stupid.idiots