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Look up another Usenet article

Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: Racist Apple is targeting blacks only and abusing white women to
 do it.
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 12:27:29 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-12-12 12:20, Joel wrote:
> Alan <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI
>>>>>>>>> apps [and therefore don't need replacement with Windows apps].
>>>>>>>> Ignoring that you are now attempting to deflect, you declared macOS to
>>>>>>>> be inadequate simply because it COULD run Windows apps in CrossOver...
>>>>>>> ???
>>>>>>>> why isn't Linux inadequate when you actually CHOOSE to run Windows
>>>>>>>> apps?
>>>>>>> How are you drawing a distinction there?
>>>>>> I'm not.
>>>>>> YOU are.
>>>>>> YOU are calling macOS inadequate for being able to do something that not
>>>>>> only can one do in Linux, but moreover something YOU actually need to do.
>>>>> I'm using Agent because I always used it.  It's one app.  I actually
>>>>> would be motivated to switch if I were using macOS, probably, to
>>>>> Usenapp, but that would be crazy given that Linux is the OS I would
>>>>> prefer to run..
>>>> Actually, it was TWO apps when last I checked...
>>> I have three Windows apps installed, but Agent is the big one in use.
>> Proving my your own metric that Linux is inadequate.
> Incorrect, Intel Macs can do this too with CrossOver or even just
> installing Wine.  Agent is very workable with Wine.

But you said that it proved macOS was inadequate, doofus.

Let me refresh your memory:

'Another note, I ran Agent and mIRC under CrossOver for Mac, in 2010.
This was due to the inadequacy of GUI apps for macOS, for Usenet and

But you run Windows apps under WiNE on Linux.

So how isn't Linux also inadequate?

>>>> But you're continuing to ignore the point.
>>>> You're claiming that the mere EXISTENCE of a facility to run Windows
>>>> software under macOS (CrossOver Mac) proves the inadequacy of macOS...
>>>> why doesn't the existence of the same facility on Linux prove its
>>>> inadequacy?
>>> Neither are bad things, actually.  I'm claiming that for IRC, Linux
>>> has better options, and has options for Usenet that are acceptable,
>>> including running a Windows client.
>> And yet you declared it was proof of macOS's inadequacy...
>> ...while not saying the same about Linux.
> Well, it's easier to use Wine than a VM of Win11 ARM.

That's not the point under discussion.

Your need to use CrossOver on the Mac led you to declare Mac GUI apps 

You have have that exact same need under Linux.

So explain why Linux apps aren't "inadequate", too.

>>>>>>>> And turning to your deflections:
>>>>>>>> Name such an app.
>>>>>>> For Usenet, I've heard good things about Usenapp for macOS, never seen
>>>>>>> it, it didn't exist when I had mine.  It may be better than what's
>>>>>>> available for Linux GUI.  But certainly Linux has options for GUI IRC.
>>>>>> You're supposed to be supporting your claim that:
>>>>>> 'Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI apps'
>>>>>> And with no surprise at all, you're completely failing.
>>>>> If I were starting without any Windows apps, I'd want to go toward
>>>>> Linux for choice, yes.  There are specific things macOS excels at, but
>>>>> I'm an Internet person, simply having a quality desktop is the
>>>>> experience.  It's hardly surprising I'd be running Linux.
>>>> You made a specific claim:
>>>> 'Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI apps'
>>>> In what way are they "better"?
>>> Usenapp really may be a great GUI app for Usenet, like Agent,
>>> available on macOS.  But I would still use Linux because of other
>>> software.  Hell, on a Mac, I'd probably even get M$ Office.  But
>>> that's kind of the point.  Now I've spent all this money on a computer
>>> and software, that doesn't do anything better than I can with Linux
>>> and LibreOffice.
>> This wasn't about what you LIKE, doofus.
>> This was about your declaration that:
>> 'Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI apps'
>> Now, I don't know whether you were just referring to WiNE vs CrossOver
>> Mac, or apps in general, but for once in your miserable existence, try
>> backing up a claim you've made.
> I actually might retract, in part, that Linux is better for a GUI IRC
> client than macOS.  It's probably still technically true, but not in
> the precise way I meant.  So, actually, macOS is pretty good for
> Usenet and IRC support.
Or you're just realizing you've been talking bullshit for the whole time.