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From: Janis Papanagnou <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
Subject: Re: goto considered helpful
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 14:50:26 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12.12.2024 22:50, Keith Thompson wrote:
> Backward gotos tend to be dangerous.  Forward gotos are less so.

I think I agree.

> Dijkstras original "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" letter was
> written in 1968, at a time when many languages didn't necessarily
> have the structured control constructs we've come to expect since
> then.  Using goto to implement a loop is almost always a bad idea,
> but it's something that a modern C programmer probably wouldn't
> even consider doing.

Also in languages with control constructs it could be observed that
there was a tendency to write "spaghetti-code" with 'goto'. And yes,
that observation was certainly the reason for Dijkstra's paper.

> I agree that gotos have valid uses.

I'm unable to provide references, but from faint memories I recall
that exiting deeply nested loops was academically mentioned to be
such a "valid" use of 'goto'. - And, frankly, I've rarely seen (or
felt the need) for [sensible] other uses of 'goto'. One other use
was to implement an (explicitly programmed, not table-driven) FSA
(but personally I'm using other methods even for that application

> Here's an answer I wrote on Stack Exchange some years ago to the
> question "Is using goto ever worthwhile?" :
> [...]
> I would support adding named loops and labeled exit/continue to
> a future version of C.  I've used languages that have similar
> features, and have found them very useful.  Given that C doesn't
> have multi-level break, I tend to agree that a goto statement is a
> reasonable way to simulate it, often better than the alternatives.

Yes, that might be the case.

I'm not so sure about the idea of adding yet more jump-types. I
consider 'break' as a camouflage to not make that "evil goto" too
obvious and to restrict its "wildness" to a safer program context
(that also makes things like stack-unrolling etc. superfluous).
Give how rarely (IME) they seem to be used one 'goto' seems to be
enough - but 'break' and 'continue' are useful in specific types
of program logic, though 'break' with numbers as arguments (that
I used once or twice in Unix shell) I'd not consider to be a good
idea; labels would certainly be better.

> [...]
> Here's an example of a small C program that completely avoids the
> use of goto statements.  I reserve the right to ridicule anyone who
> takes this program seriously.

Thanks for the warning! :-)

> [ source code with lots of setjmp/longjmp ]
