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From: Don Y <blockedofcourse@foo.invalid>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: Battery (SLA) modeling
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 07:05:36 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12/13/2024 6:39 AM, John R Walliker wrote:
> On 13/12/2024 13:31, Don Y wrote:
>> On 12/13/2024 3:59 AM, Martin Brown wrote:
>>> On 13/12/2024 06:57, Don Y wrote:
>>>> At a fixed time and temperature, is it safe to model a battery as a
>>>> fixed voltage source behind a series resistance?  Possibly, additionally,
>>>> a parallel RC to cover transients?
>>> Depends what you want to do to the battery for any non-trivial charging or 
>>> discharging rate you ought to take its temperature into consideration too. 
>>> I^2R heating with a fudge factor probably a good enough proxy.
>> Yes.  I'm just interested in taking a peek at it at a point in time.
>> E.g., look at it while under charge (knowing voltage at terminals
>> and charge current) and then briefly under DIScharge (same observations).
>> If series resistance is the same, I can infer the potential of the voltage
>> source from a set of linear equations UNDER THESE CONDITIONS.
> Except for a few special cases, electrode-electrolyte interfaces are
> very non-linear and you may find that the potential of the inferred
> voltage source is different for charge and discharge conditions.

<frown>  That was what I feared.